Train full pass, long freight train, horn when arriving, breaking, drives into distance, desert silence
Train ride, Norway, Oslo Airport train, phone converstation
Train station, Vienna Westbahnhof, very high ceiling, escalators
Train ride, long distance, quiet passengers, some chattering, ticket collector, , Austria
Train, airport train, no stops, few passengers, short version, New York City, USA
Train, airport train, smooth ride, no stops, few passengers, long version, New York City, USA
Train ride, passengers talking, leaving station, arriving at station, 1 stop, door opening, whistle, door closing, Rome, Italy
Train ride, conversation, Italian language, women, Rome, Italy
Train, airport train to Rome, departure-arrival loop, people speaking Italian, doors beeping, no announcements, Rome, Italy
Train ride, distant talking, few passengers, taking seats with their luggage, London, UK
Train full pass, slow, freight, diesel, pass in desert silence
Train, Norway, quiet, start, drive, stop