Square, Stary Rynek, main square, tour guide with kids, cart, bells, car idling, distant maintenance work, Poznan, Poland
Square, Stary Rynek, main square, tour guide with kids, cart, bells, car idling, distant maintenance work, Poznan, Poland
Square, Stary Rynek, main square, tour guide with kids, cart, bells, car idling, distant maintenance work, Poznan, Poland
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Square, traffic, relaxed people walking by, talking, distant plane, Ibiza, Spain
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Square, large with cobblestones, Grossmuensterplatz, people walking by, distant screwdriver, door, traffic, Zurich, Switzerland
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Square, fountains, near Piazza San Pietro, people walking by, people talking, busses arriving and leaving, Rome, Italy
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Square, traffic, people walking by, talking, distant construction site, Ibiza,
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Square, wind through trees, leaves on ground, autumn, buzzing crow, distant traffic, International language, dog
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Square, woodwork, busy, people talking, walking by, Basel, Switzerland