Museum, single person walking around, various voices from art installations, soft ventilation

 1,50 incl. VAT
Filetype 96KHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and Binaural .wav
Author Horst Schnattler
Length 01:31

Museum, single person walking around, various voices from art installations, soft ventilation

Museum, single person walking around, various voices from art installations, soft ventilation

Price  1,50 incl. VAT
Filetype 96KHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and Binaural .wav
Author Horst Schnattler
Length 01:31
 1,50incl. VAT

Related Sounds

Staircase, stone and glass, walk upstairs, walk downstairs

Staircase, stone and glass, walk upstairs, walk downstairs

Price  1,10 incl. VAT
Filetype 96KHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and Binaural .wav
Author Horst Schnattler
Length 01:14
 1,10incl. VAT

Riverside, near City, runners, people jogging and cycling by, distant, heavy traffic

Riverside, near City, runners, people jogging and cycling by, distant, heavy traffic

Price  3,20 incl. VAT
Filetype .wav B-Format & Binaural Stereo
Author Horst Schnattler
Length 03:11
 3,20incl. VAT

Cafe, large, small crowd, Austrian language, kids in background

Cafe, large, small crowd, Austrian language, kids in background

Price  3,90 incl. VAT
Filetype 48KHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and Binaural .wav
Author Horst Schnattler
Length 03:48
 3,90incl. VAT

Library, antique, Stift Admont, quiet, room tone

Library, antique, Stift Admont, quiet, room tone

Price  1,00 incl. VAT
Filetype 96KHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and Binaural .wav
Author Horst Schnattler
Length 00:50
 1,00incl. VAT

Pedestrian zone, tramway station, Austrian language

Pedestrian zone, tramway station, Austrian language

Price  3,75 incl. VAT
Categories /
Author Horst Schnattler
Length 03:44
 3,75incl. VAT

Courtyard, birds, distant fountain, distant traffic, merl, sparrow

Courtyard, birds, distant fountain, distant traffic, merl, sparrow

Price  5,40 incl. VAT
Filetype 96KHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and Binaural .wav
Author Horst Schnattler
Length 05:40
 5,40incl. VAT