Museum, single person walking around, various voices from art installations, soft ventilation
Museum, single person walking around, various voices from art installations, soft ventilation
Museum, single person walking around, various voices from art installations, soft ventilation
Related Sounds
Countryside, car park EXT, distant traffic, birds, car start, pass by and pull off
Countryside, car park EXT, distant traffic, birds, car start, pass by and pull off
Library, antique, Stift Admont, quiet, room tone
Library, antique, Stift Admont, quiet, room tone
Mountain with tourists, summer, medium crowd, gondola summit station, Schoeckl Mountain, Styria, Austria
Mountain with tourists, summer, medium crowd, gondola summit station, Schoeckl Mountain, Styria, Austria
Chalet in the alps, restaurant, outdoors, families, wooden floor, Schoeckl Mountain, Styria, Austria
Chalet in the alps, restaurant, outdoors, families, wooden floor, Schoeckl Mountain, Styria, Austria
Church square, birds, larch, sparrow, distant traffic, some distant voices
Church square, birds, larch, sparrow, distant traffic, some distant voices
Cafe, large, small crowd, Austrian language, kids in background
Cafe, large, small crowd, Austrian language, kids in background