Hotel, reception, small, office supplies, copy machine, chair rolling, close movements, distant dishes, Schloss Neuschwanstein, Germany
Hotel, reception, small, office supplies, copy machine, chair rolling, close movements, distant dishes, Schloss Neuschwanstein, Germany
Hotel, reception, small, office supplies, copy machine, chair rolling, close movements, distant dishes, Schloss Neuschwanstein, Germany
Related Sounds
Shop, small, quiet, customers and clerk talking, till, money, jewelry, wooden drawer, sticky floor, Paris, France
Shop, small, quiet, customers and clerk talking, till, money, jewelry, wooden drawer, sticky floor, Paris, France
Chapel, small, room tone
Chapel, small, room tone
Hotel room, empty, some sounds from EXT, birds outside window, distant car, Irschenberg, Germany
Hotel room, empty, some sounds from EXT, birds outside window, distant car, Irschenberg, Germany
City, medium sized crowd, people talking, walking by, close car passes, bikes, Memmingen, Germany
City, medium sized crowd, people talking, walking by, close car passes, bikes, Memmingen, Germany
Hotel hallway, distant talking, distant hotel restaurant, Memmingen, Germany
Hotel hallway, distant talking, distant hotel restaurant, Memmingen, Germany
Cafe, small, small crowd, entrance hall, door, Austrian language, cutlery, cups
Cafe, small, small crowd, entrance hall, door, Austrian language, cutlery, cups