Hotel, breakfast room, buffet, people walking by, dishes clinking, pour juice, fridge door, prepare and sort cups, wooden floor, Irschenberg, Germany
Hotel, breakfast room, buffet, people walking by, dishes clinking, pour juice, fridge door, prepare and sort cups, wooden floor, Irschenberg, Germany
Hotel, breakfast room, buffet, people walking by, dishes clinking, pour juice, fridge door, prepare and sort cups, wooden floor, Irschenberg, Germany
Related Sounds
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Eiffel tower, concrete ground, elevator, people walking by, people talking, kids shouting, traffic, distant airplane, Paris, France
Chalet in the alps, restaurant, outdoors, families, wooden floor, Schoeckl Mountain, Styria, Austria
Chalet in the alps, restaurant, outdoors, families, wooden floor, Schoeckl Mountain, Styria, Austria
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City square, people walking by, talking, indirect traffic, short version, Ibiza, Spain
Park, near playground, children, people walking by, talking, distant church bells, distant ambulance, distant traffic, Bregenz, Austria
Park, near playground, children, people walking by, talking, distant church bells, distant ambulance, distant traffic, Bregenz, Austria
Museum, art gallery, wooden floor, large room, small crowd, International language
Museum, art gallery, wooden floor, large room, small crowd, International language
Party tent, very big, plastic flaps, wooden floor, metal squeaks, wind going through and moving parts, Poznan, Poland
Party tent, very big, plastic flaps, wooden floor, metal squeaks, wind going through and moving parts, Poznan, Poland