Courtyard, residential, birds, distant traffic, calm environment in between houses, Basel, Switzerland
Courtyard, residential, birds, distant traffic, calm environment in between houses, Basel, Switzerland
Courtyard, residential, birds, distant traffic, calm environment in between houses, Basel, Switzerland
Related Sounds
Alps, silent, small crowd very far away, birds, Schoeckl Mountain, Styria, Austria
Alps, silent, small crowd very far away, birds, Schoeckl Mountain, Styria, Austria
City park, Stadtpark Vienna, people walking by, wind through trees, distant traffic, distant airplane, birds, crows, ducks
City park, Stadtpark Vienna, people walking by, wind through trees, distant traffic, distant airplane, birds, crows, ducks
Tourists, Villa, gallery, EXT, courtyard with tiles, small crowd, groups of tourists walk by, camera shutter, birds
Tourists, Villa, gallery, EXT, courtyard with tiles, small crowd, groups of tourists walk by, camera shutter, birds
Downtown, L.A., square in city, leaves on ground, sweeping, birds
Downtown, L.A., square in city, leaves on ground, sweeping, birds
Neighbors, sounds from inner courtyard, TV, balcony sounds, birds, pigeons, distant street, Graz, Austria
Neighbors, sounds from inner courtyard, TV, balcony sounds, birds, pigeons, distant street, Graz, Austria
Woods, birds, wind, seeds raining from trees, very distant traffic, Frauenoeder Filz, Germany
Woods, birds, wind, seeds raining from trees, very distant traffic, Frauenoeder Filz, Germany