Campground, sanitary facilities, dish washing, people walking by in wet flip-flops, child in BG, insects, water pipe, splashes, Skrila, Croatia
Campground, sanitary facilities, dish washing, people walking by in wet flip-flops, child in BG, insects, water pipe, splashes, Skrila, Croatia
Campground, sanitary facilities, dish washing, people walking by in wet flip-flops, child in BG, insects, water pipe, splashes, Skrila, Croatia
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Weather, medium to heavy rain on terrace, thunder rumbling, drips, Skrila, Croatia
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Thunderstorm, weather near ocean, loud and close lightning strike and thunder, rain, Skrila, Croatia
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Weather, medium to light to medium rain, distant thunder, campground, night, raining on roof, distant talking, Skrila, Croatia