Forest entry, chaffinch, wind in trees, quiet, Holštejn, Czech Republic
Park, Brooklyn, near carousel, pedestrians, people talking, distant traffic, helicopter, wind in trees, New York City, USA
City park, Donauinsel, distant traffic, wind in trees, bikes pass, distant birds and airplane, Vienna, Austria
Countryside, wind in trees, fountain water, birds, sparrow, pigeon, Poznan, Poland
Camping ground, morning, close movements in tent, car doors, wind in trees, sandals, Poznan, Poland
Countryside, tractors, birds, flies, wind in trees, gusts, no talking, rooster, Mszczyczyn, Poland
Countryside, wind in trees, pigeon, distance traffic rumble, crow, Poznan, Poland
Countryside, wind in trees, distant traffic rumble, calmness, quietness, birds, dog, Poznan, Poland
Square, fall, motorbike arrives, wind in trees, leaves in the ground, traffic, people walking by, talking, Bregenz, Austria