Woods, footsteps through dry maple leaves, close to mic, 2 adults, 1 child, varying intensity, Frauenoeder Filz, Germany
Woods, birds, medium distant traffic from highway, Frauenoeder Filz, Germany
Countryside, train pass, crows, distant traffic, cars passing, distant chicken farm, Frauenoeder Filz, Germany
Village, harvester passing at 1min, cars passing, people in distance, children shouting in distance, Frauenoeder Filz, Germany
Woods, family walking, kid playing, birds, distant highway and plane, Frauenoeder Filz, Germany
Woods, footsteps through dry maple leaves, close to mic, adult, varying intensity, distant traffic, Frauenoeder Filz, Germany
Woods, birds, wind, seeds raining from trees, very distant traffic, Frauenoeder Filz, Germany