Office, bank, handling office supplies, envelopes, traffic outside, quiet, some beeping, Paris, France

Office, bank, handling office supplies, envelopes, traffic outside, quiet, some beeping, Paris, France

Price  1,87 incl. VAT
Filetype 96KHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and binaural stereo .wavKHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and binaural stereo .wavKHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and binaural stereo .wavKHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and binaural stereo .wavKHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and binaural stereo .wavKHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and binaural stereo .wavKHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and binaural stereo .wav
Author Horst Schnattler
Length 01:52
 1,87incl. VAT