Elevator ride, doors opening and closing, floor with vacuum cleaners, Belgrade, Serbia
Parking garage, nearby construction, distant scaffolding metal tubes, seagulls, some distant voices
Las Vegas, hotel, entrance, EXT, luggage handle, cars arriving, doors
Elevator ride, no passengers, 2 stops, metal doors open and close, Basel, Switzerland
Hallway, condo apartments, residential, elevator, person walking on stairs, tiles, door, New York City, USA
Elevator, old, condo apartment, 2 stops, beeps, dampened interior, New York City, USA
Basement, condo, elevator and laundry room, metal parts of clothing clinking, distant people, neighbors, New York City, USA
Laundry room, dryers running, metal parts of clothing clinking, New York City, USA
World Trade Center, busy, large crowd of people walking by, talking, distant rumbling of subway, New York City, USA
Staircase, ground floor, elevator, Vienna, Austria
Elevator ride, 1 stop, old style, from inside, wood paneling, creaking wood, Vienna, Austria
Shopping mall at train station, travellng people, escalators, some conversations, Vienna, Austria
Shopping mall at train station, traveling people, low ceiling, elevators beeping, Vienna, Austria
University, campus EXT, small crowd, distant medium crowd, plane overhead, distant traffic, conversation, Poznan, Poland
University, entrance hallway, busy, large crowd, doors, many conversations, Poznan, Poland
University, small corridor hallway, exams, large crowd talking, doors, Poznan, Poland
University, medium sized hall, large crowd, distant cafe, students talking, doors slammed, Poznan, Poland
Party tent, very big, plastic flaps, wooden floor, metal squeaks, wind going through and moving parts, Poznan, Poland
Elevator ride, 4 stops, different floors, metal doors opening and closing, beeping, Memmingen, Germany
Hospital, distant cafeteria, talking and laughing, Ibiza, Spain
Hospital, patient waiting area, soda dispensers, metal seats, staff conversations in BG, phone conversation, wooden door opens and closes, London, UK
Staircase, INT, residential, some sounds from neighbours, underground, bird and announcements from EXT, London, UK
Library, public, small crowd, kids, scanning barcodes, handling books, postmarking
Oslo Opera, entrance hall, quiet, people passing, squeaky shoe soles
Train station Oslo, restaurant, quiet, distant small crowd
Courtyard, Hofburg Vienna, medium crowd of tourists, International language, guides talking
Courtyard, small crowd, tourists, International language
Elevator, mechanical clatter, drive, stop, start
Staircase, stone and glass, room tone
Elevator, multiple stops, hum, doors open and close, distant voices from hallways
Hallway, humming of elevator machine room, distant mini crowd
Library, antique, Stift Admont, quiet, room tone
Staircase, stone and glass, walk upstairs, walk downstairs
Office, museum, entrance hall, near counter, arches, mouse clicking, voices in background, ventilation
Hotel lobby, high ceiling, serbian language, near cafe, Belgrade, Serbia