Office, museum, entrance hall, near counter, arches, mouse clicking, voices in background, ventilation
Office, museum, entrance hall, near counter, arches, mouse clicking, voices in background, ventilation
Office, museum, entrance hall, near counter, arches, mouse clicking, voices in background, ventilation
Related Sounds
Church, Stift Admont, no crowd, single person walk through, gentle traffic from outside
Church, Stift Admont, no crowd, single person walk through, gentle traffic from outside
Alps, silent, small crowd very far away, birds, Schoeckl Mountain, Styria, Austria
Alps, silent, small crowd very far away, birds, Schoeckl Mountain, Styria, Austria
Neighbors, sounds from inner courtyard, TV, balcony sounds, birds, pigeons, distant street, Graz, Austria
Neighbors, sounds from inner courtyard, TV, balcony sounds, birds, pigeons, distant street, Graz, Austria
Library, antique, Stift Admont, large reverberant space, tour guide, Austrian language
Library, antique, Stift Admont, large reverberant space, tour guide, Austrian language
Fountain, medium size, in courtyard, birds
Fountain, medium size, in courtyard, birds
Museum Shop, antique building with arches, footsteps, beeping, Austrian language
Museum Shop, antique building with arches, footsteps, beeping, Austrian language