Baseball, Central Park, Manhattan, adult players batting, running, yelling, screaming, playing, cheering, viewers chatting and walking by on gravel, baseball batter hit, New York City, USA
Baseball, Central Park, Manhattan, adult players batting, running, yelling, screaming, playing, cheering, viewers chatting and walking by on gravel, baseball batter hit, New York City, USA
Baseball, Central Park, Manhattan, adult players batting, running, yelling, screaming, playing, cheering, viewers chatting and walking by on gravel, baseball batter hit, New York City, USA
Related Sounds
Square, Times Square, pedestrians walking by, talking, traffic, some car horns, New York City, USA
Square, Times Square, pedestrians walking by, talking, traffic, some car horns, New York City, USA
University hallway with carpet, wooden lockers, close to elevator, people walking by, talking, trolley rolling, New York City, USA
University hallway with carpet, wooden lockers, close to elevator, people walking by, talking, trolley rolling, New York City, USA
Square, Times Square, busy, hot dog compressor, sweeping, sirens, horns, argument, New York City, USA
Square, Times Square, busy, hot dog compressor, sweeping, sirens, horns, argument, New York City, USA
University campus, EXT, entrance doors, students and scientific staff walking by, talking, aeroplane, distant traffic and construction site, New York City, USA
University campus, EXT, entrance doors, students and scientific staff walking by, talking, aeroplane, distant traffic and construction site, New York City, USA
Protest march, Fridays for Future, in the middle of large crowd, cheering, applause, clapping, helicopter, conversations, New York City, USA
Protest march, Fridays for Future, in the middle of large crowd, cheering, applause, clapping, helicopter, conversations, New York City, USA
Street, Brooklyn, heavy traffic, pedestrians and all kinds of vehicles passing by at around 25 mph, New York City, USA
Street, Brooklyn, heavy traffic, pedestrians and all kinds of vehicles passing by at around 25 mph, New York City, USA