Central Park, Manhattan, Tennis courts, ball game, dragging metal on ground, rackets, New York City, USA
Central Park, Manhattan, Tennis courts, ball game, dragging metal on ground, rackets, New York City, USA
Central Park, Manhattan, Tennis courts, ball game, dragging metal on ground, rackets, New York City, USA
Related Sounds
Bridge, Brooklyn Bridge, Downtown Manhattan, pedestrians on wooden path, busy traffic, cars passing over gap, bike bell ringing, New York City, USA
Bridge, Brooklyn Bridge, Downtown Manhattan, pedestrians on wooden path, busy traffic, cars passing over gap, bike bell ringing, New York City, USA
Square, Times Square, busy, hot dog compressor, sweeping, sirens, horns, argument, New York City, USA
Square, Times Square, busy, hot dog compressor, sweeping, sirens, horns, argument, New York City, USA
Protest march, Fridays for Future, in the middle of large crowd, cheering, applause, clapping, helicopter, conversations, New York City, USA
Protest march, Fridays for Future, in the middle of large crowd, cheering, applause, clapping, helicopter, conversations, New York City, USA
Subway ride, 7 stops, arriving at and departing from stations, varying crowds, k00:07:16:16, New York City, USA
Subway ride, 7 stops, arriving at and departing from stations, varying crowds, k00:07:16:16, New York City, USA
University campus, EXT, entrance doors, students and scientific staff walking by, talking, aeroplane, distant traffic and construction site, New York City, USA
University campus, EXT, entrance doors, students and scientific staff walking by, talking, aeroplane, distant traffic and construction site, New York City, USA
Park, near Brooklyn Bridge, close water, splashing waves, helicopters, baby and women laughing, police siren, pedestrians taking pictures, New York City, USA
Park, near Brooklyn Bridge, close water, splashing waves, helicopters, baby and women laughing, police siren, pedestrians taking pictures, New York City, USA