You can use ambiXes loops in many different ways:

  1. 360 videos – For Youtube and Facebook 360 media

  2. Unity – for video games

  3. In you DAW for sound design,
    Pro Tools


How do I use ambiXes?

You can use the Ambisonic 3D sounds with your favorite DAW, like Pro Tools, Nuendo, Reaper or Cubase, with your development engine like Unity or with 360 video platforms such as Youtube or Facebook 360. With every purchase you receive a stereo file as well.

I downloaded many files, how can I organize it better

You can use a tool like 7zip on Windows to select all the .zip files and then unpack them into one directory.

How are ambiXes priced?

In general one second is one €, minimum price is 1$

Is the audio of a short version included in the long version?

Yes, short versions are ment to be a budget version of the long version, you can finde the audio of the short version also in the long version.

How about multi-seat licenses?

We offer discounts for multi-seat licensing. Please contact us directly and we get in touch with you as soon as possible.

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