University campus, EXT, entrance doors, students and scientific staff walking by, talking, aeroplane, distant traffic and construction site, New York City, USA
University campus, EXT, entrance doors, students and scientific staff walking by, talking, aeroplane, distant traffic and construction site, New York City, USA
University campus, EXT, entrance doors, students and scientific staff walking by, talking, aeroplane, distant traffic and construction site, New York City, USA
Related Sounds
Supermarket, near escalators, few customers, opening and closing fridge door, register beeping, footsteps, talking, Basel, Switzerland
Supermarket, near escalators, few customers, opening and closing fridge door, register beeping, footsteps, talking, Basel, Switzerland
City square, people walking by, talking, cars and motorcycles driving by, distant restaurant, cutlery, Ibiza, Spain
City square, people walking by, talking, cars and motorcycles driving by, distant restaurant, cutlery, Ibiza, Spain
Cafe, talking, coffee machine, microwave, food served, Paris, France
Cafe, talking, coffee machine, microwave, food served, Paris, France
Restaurant, small crowd, talking, distant kitchen, Austrian language
Restaurant, small crowd, talking, distant kitchen, Austrian language
City square, people walking by, talking, indirect traffic, short version, Ibiza, Spain
City square, people walking by, talking, indirect traffic, short version, Ibiza, Spain
Restaurant, medium crowd, talking, German language, dishes clinking, chairs being moved, evening ambience, Memmingen, Germany
Restaurant, medium crowd, talking, German language, dishes clinking, chairs being moved, evening ambience, Memmingen, Germany